A New Pilates Method Comes to the U.S.

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For any usages please contact Malin on malin@malinenberg.com or +65 9234 0043APPI Rehabilitation Pilates is now here in the USA and Studio U are proud to be the exclusive provider of its certification program. Already established as one of the most popular training programs in the UK and Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil you now have the opportunity to train in this revolutionary Pilates program.

A change to Pilates training has come to the United States. Already established as one of the most popular training programs in the UK and Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil you now have the opportunity to train in this revolutionary Pilates program. The program has been getting recognized as the most scientifically sound of all Pilates training programs in the world today, but why? What makes the APPI Method so different? We’re going to take you through the top five benefits of the APPI Method and the important impact it can have on your practice.

Proof: The APPI Rehabilitation Pilates Method is based on the most up to date evidence of spinal stability, pelvic stability, strength and conditioning and pain. Research shows that training to the deep abdominal muscles reduces reoccurring lower back pain.

Focus: This method includes retraining neutral lumbo-pelvic alignment and activation of key lumbo-pelvic stabilizing muscles, correct ribcage/thoracic alignment, scapulo-thoracic stabilization and deep neck flexor training to stabilize the cervical spine.

Tools: The APPI Pilates Method provides Physiotherapists (and equivalent) with the tool they need to properly activate the Multifidus, TrA muscles and the pelvic floor muscles.

Progression: The repertoire is suitable for all levels and is made up of progressive mat based exercises that are designed specifically for Physiotherapists (and equivalent) to train the clinical population.

Bonus: Additionally, the range of APPI exercises also include exercises that improve spinal mobility, flexibility of trunk and lower limb muscle groups, and body and postural awareness.

If you’re interested in learning more about the APPI Rehabilitation Pilates Method now available in Minneapolis, click here or contact Studio U.